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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Your Invited to a Birthday Bash!

Brea is turning 2! I can't believe how fast time has been going by. Sometimes it seems like life is just passing us by.

For all of you who can't celebrate with us in person, I hope you can make it to our online bash! We will be checking out lots of great products for toddlers and who knows I may even throw in a couple for mom too! After all we all know life is hectic during our children's birthday celebrations so don't we deserve a little treat or two too!

I would love it if you would grab a button and let all of your friends know about Brea's Birthday too!


Night Owl Mama said... 1

Awwww Happy Birthday little sweetie

Anonymous said... 2

Happy BIrthday to her! I have the button up.

Anonymous said... 3

Sorry I haven't been around.
A couple of games have taking ove my life. LOL

Anonymous said... 4

Sorry I haven't been around.
A couple of games have taking ove my life. LOL

Xenia said... 5

What a fun button, her pictures are so cute! I've got it up!

sheila said... 6

Goes by fast doesn't it? She's really a little beauty!