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Friday, May 22, 2009

Aloha Friday #5

I love participating in Aloha Friday. All you need to do is ask a simple question for others to answer and link up to An Island Life using Mister Linky. Of course there will be many other blogs linked up at Aloha Friday for you to visit.
It is a great way to get to know each other and get some new visitors to your blog! Hope to see you there.

This weeks question
What is your favorite Kid Oriented Restaurant? If you don't have one how about your favorite restaurant

We are going to Chucky Cheese for the first time today. I don't have any experience with kid oriented restaurants so I don't really have a favorite. I would love to learn about some other ones for us to check out!
My favorite restaurant would have to be Red Lobster I LOVE seafood!


Rita T. said...

We've been to Chuck E. Cheese many times and that's probably our favorite. There isn't one close to our home now, so we don't go very often any more.

Erin @ Closing Time said...

We have not tried any kid oriented restaurants so far. I was TERRIFIED of Chuck E Cheese and all the other big characters when I was little. We suspect that our oldest would be the same way. So we are waiting...

Our favorite kind of restaurant to go to as a family is a really great local Chinese buffet. The kids LOVE it!! It is hands down their favorite kind of food to eat out. And we love it too!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate Chuck E. Cheese lol way to busy, way to loud. Anyways I love going to Dennys with the kids. Moon and stars chicken nuggets, mini hotdogs. The names of the children's foods are very creative. And its not noisy. Good luck on your first trip to Chuck E Cheese's

Kekibird said...

Anything simple like Denny's or Ruby's Dinner work for us. The menu is simple and we can get in and out fast. Plus they usually give the kids toys or a special menu they can color on.

Amy and her little family said...

I love chucky cheese as well

Becca said...

I like bringing the kids I babysit to IHOP. They don't mind noisy kids and they have fun foods! :)

Amy said...

My kids really like Red Robin. It doesn't have games and stuff, just good burgers & fries and BALLOONS! lol

PMKU said...

I have to say ChicFilA is very kid oriented. It's not really a restaurant per se but it's a favorite of ours.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Not a huge Chuck E Cheese fan here. Very kid friendly would be Red Robbin and Fuddruckers.

Anonymous said...

I would say Chuck E Cheese.

AudreyO said...

My favorite is a place called Kahuna. They make the best fish sandwiches and chili cheese fries.

Amy Clary said...

We haven't been to a kid oriented restaurant. I think the closest we've come is the rain forest cafe'. Alex LOVES that place. :)

MY favorite restaurant is Carraba's. Yummy Italian food!