I will happily review any products that are age appropriate for my daughter or me. These are the only products that I can review at this time and give a thorough and accurate review. Please contact me if you feel that Brea's Mommy and my family would be a good place to have your product review. Any product mailed to us for review will not be returned unless discussed when setting up the review and prior to receiving the item. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Giveaway Guidelines
I will be happy to host giveaways for any family friendly products. If you are interested in sponsoring a giveaway please contact me.
It snowed! This was Brea's first experience with snow. She absolutely loved it! Sadly we didn't invest in a snowsuit this year so the experience was a little short lived. We managed to stay outside for about an hour, but her pants were so soaked I didn't feel comfortable keeping her out any longer. She really loved putting her hands(yes they were gloved) in the snow. We were out long enough to get some good pictures(see above) and a little video. Lesson learned next year a snowsuit is definitely on the must have list!
Your daughter is so beautiful. Looks like a little snow bunny in these pics.
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