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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Show off Your Blog Saturday # 7

First I would like to thank everyone who participated last week. I have hadthe opportunity to check out a lot of really great posts that I would have otherwise missed. I hope to see you all again this week. I would also like to welcome all new participants. I hope you enjoy checking out each others favorite posts I know I will.

We all love getting visitors to our blog. I try my best to keep up with all of the blogs I follow, but I know I miss some of the really great posts. I also love finding new blogs when I have the time. So I decided to post a linky where everyone can show off their favorite posts of the week! I hope to be visiting lots of blogs every week! I can't wait to check them out!

If you leave your favorite post I promise to check it out and leave some comment luv! Don't forget to check out your fellow bloggers favorite posts while your at it.

I am sorry for those posts I have not yet been able to read from last week. I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Those posts are going to be my focus this weekend and I hope that it will not prevent you from joining in again.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Anonymous said... 1

Hope you're feeling better today! I can totally relate. The pollen really tried to kick my butt last week.

Emilie said... 2

Thanks for Mr Link! :)

Alicia W. said... 3

Hope you and lil Miss Brea had a great weekend.