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Thursday, April 23, 2009

I have missed out on so much!

The last couple of days I have missed out on so much. Tuesday I left work with a really bad headache and while I was driving my whole body went numb! Needless to say I pulled over and called someone to take me to the hospital (Thanks Tave!) They told me that I had a headache (DUH) and that I had hyperventilated causing the numbness. They then gave me a shot of Toradol and sent me home. My grandmother kept Brea that night and I slept for a total of 15 hours!
Wednesday I felt great. I got up and went to the doctor where they drew blood. They saw fluid on my ears so I was given Antibiotics and told to take Claritin. I left there and went to work. At about 3pm I started feeling nauseous again. I left work and stopped to buy a soda hoping that would settle my stomach, but shortly after the numbness started again. I drove back to work (so my car would be safe) and called my grandmother to come and get me. I also called my doctor and she called me in Phenergan and told me to wait and check out my blood work. So my plan was to go to my grandmother's house for the night. So grandma picked me up, but halfway home my symptoms intensified and we decided I should return to the hospital. This time they gave me a liter of fluid and sent me home again.
Today I still have some numbness and once again called my doctor to let her know. She seems to think it is viral and stress. This time she prescribed Ativan. So hopefully this will help if not my next step is to request a neurology consult.
I am so sorry that I missed out on all the Earth Day fun. Brea and I did not even get to take our nature walk. Well we will as soon as I get myself straightened out a bit. Better late than never!


Unknown said... 1

I'm sorry to hear all of that. I do hope you feel bettter soon.

Erin @ Closing Time said... 2

Wow! Sorry you have had such a bad few days! Hope you get to feeling better soon!!

A Psych Mommy said... 3

I hope you're feeling better! That does sound like an awful few days!

Carrie said... 4

Woah, so sorry to hear of all that! Glad to know you are on the mend though!

Cher said... 5

Hope you are feeling better to enjoy the nice weather!

Alicia W. said... 6

Get better soon. Have a good weekend.

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said... 7

Oh my goodness...I am so sorry. That is very scary! It seem to me that they should have run some more tests. Numbness is not a good thing. I don't like the "stress" conclusion either. I hope you will feel better soon, but if not, don't give up. I think seeing a Neurologist is a wonderful idea.