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Friday, March 27, 2009

All about Brea #2

Brea had her 18 month check up today and everything went great.
Her stats
23.8 lbs and in the 25th percentile
33 1/4 inches and in the 90h percentile

We discussed:
Her temper tantrums and the doctor said they were normal. Maybe to him, but I hate seeing her hit herself in the face.
Her eating habits: Somedays she will eat a lot but others hardly anything. Also normal. ( She gained 2 lbs since her last check up)
Potty training and he said now was a great time to get started. (I have a lot of family and friends who have discouraged potty training her yet because of her age) Now I can get on the ball

I think that covers just about everything. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a great day!

Tell me about your child when they were 18 months~