I love participating in Aloha Friday. All you need to do is ask a simple question for others to answer and link up to An Island Life using Mister Linky. Of course there will be many other blogs linked up at Aloha Friday for you to visit.
It is a great way to get to know each other and get some new visitors to your blog! Hope to see you there.
This weeks question:
Who was your greatest inspiration growing up?
Mine was my great grandfather AKA Papa Glenn Edward. He was always there for others and never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was all about second chances and giving people the benefit of the doubt. He and my great grandma Verlin raised me after raising their own six children! I can say with certainty that without them I would not be who I am today! I can only hope that one day I will learn to be as kind and loving as he was!
Mine was my dad. He always believed in me so strongly and supported my education wholeheartedly because he didn't have the same opportunities when he was growing up and was determined to provide them for his kids. I hope I can better my daughter's life in the same way my dad bettered mine. :)
My mother, she will always be :)
My Dad has been & always will be one of the most incredible people I've ever had a chance to meet. Whether it's saving a neighbor's house from burning down or buying tampons for one of his 5 daughters, my Dad is amazing.
My dad! He is a hard worker, a wonderful father and provider!
Actually, it was my 10th grade US History teacher that inspired me the most. He helped me realize my love for History and that I did have a voice! He inspired me to tbe best and not be afriad to stand up for what I believe in.
My aunt aka my godmother.
My mom rocks!
My mother. She went into a field that was not for women at the time. She also was determined to be a SAHM and stay with us. She gave up a lot to do it, but made a huge impact.
Dave Barry, I want to write like him.
my dad - always has been, always will be.
Pretty screwed up growing up... can't really say I had one... :(
both of my grandmother's were the rocks I needed growing up
My greatest inspiration was my aunt. She was the cool aunt...she was also the youngest girl, then she got older and became the aunt that was cool once... Too funny.
My father.
Definitely my mom. She has always been my mentor.
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