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Monday, July 27, 2009

Mood Swinger Review and Giveaway!

Very seldom do conversations with others allow you to say exactly how you feel. Even though some days you may want everyone to know that you are just "fed up." Or maybe you are "optimistic" and do not want to jinx your self by telling everyone. Mood Swinger Mood Magnets are great for these days. Instead of telling everyone what your mood is all you need to do is take a second and pick out your mood magnet to display and everyone will know just how your feeling!

Mood magnets are made with four different categories in mind. The office and home magnets are for adults and then they have a special set just for children! They also have custom magnets that are for promotional purposes!

My opinion of Mood Magnets . . .

I received the Office Mood Magnets for review purposes. I think that these are a great way to show your coworkers how you are feeling with a little humor mixed in. The humorous faces on each of the magnets are also very helpful on those really frustrating days. (I know I had one yesterday!) You know what I am talking about. One of those days when all you want to do is go home and you are just "fed up" and maybe you could feel a little bit better if you could just find something to laugh at!

Reviewing the mood magnets also made me realize how important it can be to take a few moments out of a really hectic day and just evaluate your feelings. By evaluating and acknowledging how you are feeling you can be more productive despite your handicap of the day. Mood Swinger mood magnets were a useful tool in helping me evaluate my moods!

While I did not receive the kid version I would like to add that I think these would be really great for children who have difficulty expressing their feelings. Each picture expresses the mood making easier for children to pick a feeling related to them at the moment.

The kid's version may also be useful in communicating with your teenager. Many times with hectic schedules all around the house teenagers do not find the opportunity or they do not feel comfortable bringing up their feelings with their parents. Maybe if there were something like this they would use it as a way to let you know when they are upset or angry. At the very least it would give them another way to express themselves when they feel the need to use it.

Lastly the home version would also be very useful in communicating your feelings to your family. Very often parents feelings seem to be overlooked and these provide a great outlet to express feelings.

Buy your own set of Mood Magnets at The Mood Swinger!

Giveaway Opportunity!

One lucky winner will receive their very own set of Mood Swinger Magnets of your choice!

Mandatory Entry must be completed for any entries to count. Pick me, I want to win, etc will NOT be published or eligible for the giveaway!

Mandatory Entry - Visit The Mood Swinger and tell me what your favorite item is!

Extra Entries. . .
1. Follow me on blogger
2. Follow me on twitter and tweet the giveaway. Please leave link. (2 entries)
Feel free to copy and paste . . .

3. Grab my main button and put it on your sidebar (2 entries)
4. Subscribe to my blog.
5. Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post and leave a comment with the post name!
6. Fave my blog on technorati and leave your user name in the comment!
7. Blog about this giveaway linking back to this post then leave a comment with link to post! (4 entries)

Giveaway will end August 9, 2009 at 11:59pm EST
Winner will be chosen via random org
Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to contact me.
Please leave a valid email address if not accessible through your profile.
Please notify me if you do not receive giveaway item within 30 days. While I am not responsible for any giveaway items provided by the sponsor I will contact the sponsor to see what has happened.

(I did receive an office set for her for review purposes. No other compensation received. This review is based on my opinion of the product reviewed and was in no way influenced by the said company )


MNMSpecial said...

Bummed you didn't get the kid magnets...I want both sets of kid ones for my kids.

MNMSpecial said...

I follow you on blogger

Kristy said...

I like the Boys mood magnets, could definetly use them for my son, lol!

Kristy said...


Kristy said...

Have your button up, www.iheartshoppingmomma.blogspot.


Kristy said...

Have your button #2

Kristy said...


Terra Heck said...

My favorite are the Refrigerator Magnets - The Mood Swinger HOME Version (33 magnets) for Her. Thanks.

Terra Heck said...

email subscriber

Terra Heck said...

I follow your blog.

Lee P said...

I really love The Mood Refrigerator Magnets. This is so creative and cool. Thanks for this nice giveaway and please enter me


Lee P said...

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Lee P said...

I subscribe via email


cherdon said...

I like the GIRLS Mood Magnets. I think it would be lots of fun.

Thanks for giveaway

cherdon said...

I follow on blogger

cherdon said...

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cherdon said...

I follow you on twitter-iamcherdon

tweeted Entry #2


Katrina said...

I like the home mood magnets for her...super cute

mverno said...

the Boys mood magnets mverno@roadrunner.com

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

love the girl mood magnets

Sharon Harmon said...

Kewl!! The Everyday Version (Male & Female Sets) - The Mood Swinger Refrigerator Magnets + Free Original Mood Swinger Magnet Set is perfect for my husband and me! We can post our moods in the morning and after work so we know if one of us needs a shoulder to cry on or a ready ear to listen!! Awesome idea! Thank you for the contest!

iggysaysno said...

Refrigerator Magnets - The Mood Swinger HOME Version For Her

Cheryl F said...

my fav is the HOME Version (Male & Female Sets) - The Mood Swinger Refrigerator Magnets.

Domanda4 said...

What a funny idea! I like the kids mood magnets too.

Domanda4 said...


Domanda4 said...

have your button

Domanda4 said...

button 2

Domanda4 said...

Tweet! http://twitter.com/domanda3/status/3112563679

Domanda4 said...

tweet 2

Belinda M said...

What a neat idea. I like the The Mood Swinger EVERYDAY Version For Her

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Belinda M said...

I follow your blog

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Belinda M said...

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Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


mogrill said...

I like the Kids Mood Magnets. Thanks for the chance!! mogrill@comcast.net

Smooshy said...

i like the girl mood magnets!

Meg said...

I like the kids boys and girls magnets!

Sarah G. said...

I like the Refrigerator Magnets - The Mood Swinger OFFICE Version (33 magnets) For Her.

TZel said...

My favorite is the Kids set- thanks so much- I believe that this could help me know what my daughter is feeling much better!

erma said...

I like the home magnets- woman hopeful.

lezanac said...

I would love the mood swinger magnets for men so I can figure out when is the best time to ask my husband for something and actually get him to do it lezanac@yahoo.com

lezanac said...

follower lezanac@yahoo.com

lezanac said...

email subscriber lezanac@yahoo.com

Candie L said...

I like the boys mood magnets. thank you


Candie L said...

I am following. Thanks


Candie L said...

I am a subscriber. Thanks


Amanda S. said...

My favorite is the Girls Mood Magnets!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Refrigerator Magnets - The Mood Swinger HOME Version (33 magnets). Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love the The Mood Swinger HOME Version For Her :) Thanks!

Liz Mays said...

I love the refrigerator magnets home version for her! Those are great!

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #1

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #2

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #3

Liz Mays said...

I'm a subscriber.

Liz Mays said...

I follow your blog.

Liz Mays said...

I commented on the Scentsy samples post.

Kathy P said...

i like the BOYS Mood Magnets

Kathy P said...

following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease

Kathy P said...

1 http://twitter.com/klp1965/status/3211119723

Kathy P said...

2 http://twitter.com/klp1965/status/3211119723

blogggggg said...

I like the BOYS Mood Magnets!

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

blogggggg said...

I follow on blogger!

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

Bridget3496 said...

I really like the BOYS Mood Magnets

Bridget3496 said...

I subscribe

Anonymous said...

The Refrigerator Magnets-The Mood Swinger HOME Version-(33 magnets) for her is my favorite. garrettsambo@aol.com

lilyk said...

I love the Girls Mood Magnets!

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