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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Soul Review and Giveaway!

I am happy to announce that I will be bringing you multiple giveaways over the next year sponsored by Chicken Soup for the Soul. I love Chicken Soup for the Soul books and think they are perfect for that moment when you need a little pick-me up!

For those of you not familiar with Chicken Soup for the Soul books they are a compilation of short stories to warm your heart. Each book is usually categorized to a specific demographic which is easy to decipher from the book subtitle. This is great because no one wants to read a bunch of short stories and only be able to relate to a few. So if you haven't taken the time to read a Chicken Soup for the Soul Book now then go out and get one. I can pretty much guarentee that they have something available for everyone!

For my first review and giveaway I have "Tough Times, Tough People." I am sure that almost everyone can relate to this topic with the economy the way it is. "Tough Times, Tough People" is broken down into 11 chapters. You will find interesting ideas on how other people find ways around money issues and how they have come to look at their problems as blessings. Not only does this book cover financial difficulties, but it also share stories about peoples courage in other personal crisis such as illness. So if you are going through some tough times of your own give "Chicken Soup for the Soul" a chance and you may just find the inspiration you need to move on!

Giveaway Opportunity!

Two lucky readers will receive their very own copy of "Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People"
Mandatory Entry must be completed for any entries to count. Pick me, I want to win, etc will NOT be published or eligible for the giveaway!

Mandatory Entry - Leave me a comment telling me why you want "Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People"

Extra Entries. . .
1. Follow me on blogger
2. Follow me on twitter and tweet the giveaway. Please leave link. (2 entries)
Feel free to copy and paste . . .

Tough Times need some inspiration. Enter to win "Chicken Soup for the Sould Tough times, Tough People" http://tinyurl.com/kjskp9 @breasmommy

3. Grab my main button and put it on your sidebar (2 entries)
4. Subscribe to my blog.
5. Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post and leave a comment with the post name!
6. Fave my blog on technorati and leave your user name in the comment!
7. Blog about this giveaway linking back to this post then leave a comment with link to post! (4 entries)

Giveaway will end August 1, 2009 at 11:59pm EST
Winner will be chosen via random org
Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to contact me.
Please leave a valid email address if not accessible through your profile.
Please notify me if you do not receive giveaway item within 30 days. While I am not responsible for any giveaway items provided by the sponsor I will contact the sponsor to see what has happened.

(I did receive a copy of "Tough Times, Tough People" for review purposes. No other compensation received. This review is based on my opinion of the product reviewed and was in no way influenced by the said company )


reddon30 said...

I am a single father raising 4 children and in these times I am barely making it...so a little chicken soup for tough economic times may be just what I need.

reddon30 said...

I follow you on Twitter: rambling69

reddon30 said...

I twittered about your giveaway: rambling69

JACLYN said...

I'd love to win this book for the inspiration the stories give. I've never owned a chicken soup book but have read some stories in magazines.


chicken soup books are amazing and are very insightful and this subject pertains to not just one or two these days- it pertains to the majority of Americans

v said...

I've read Power Moms and I think Tough Times, Tough People is something I shouldn't let go of. I always love Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

v said...

I follow you on blogger.

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I follow you on twitter and tweeted.

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I follow you on twitter and tweeted. #2

v said...

I blogged at Its Free lol

v said...

I blogged at Its Free lol #2

v said...

I blogged at Its Free lol #3

v said...

I blogged at Its Free lol #4

mverno said...

i love to read chicken soup books mverno@roadrunner.com

oceanrena said...

i work with kids who have been through some pretty tough crap and this would be wonderful for them to relate to

Angela R. said...

I am always looking for inspirational books to help out throughout the day, so this would be perfect!

Anonymous said...

It's uplifting to hear people speak out. Commiseration is good for soul.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.


maweisberg said...

i want to win this

baggypants said...

Going through a bit of a rough patch right now and could use a little pick me up....


alohamolly said...

I want "Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People" as I am never failed to be inspired by the Chicken Soup series and this title simply useful for this tough time!

Hope I am lucky to win this!

alohamolly @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I want this book because I need something that will lift my spirits.


Paula Myers said...

I would love to have one of these books! We've been through a lot and need some inspiration. paulajomyers@yahoo.com

Paula Myers said...

I'm an email subscriber! paulajomyers@yahoo.com

Terra Heck said...

I've enjoyed reading other Chicken Soup For the Soul books, and I'm sure this one would be just as good. Thanks.

Beth said...

I'd like this because I'm going through a tough time, and I could use some encouragement.

melsywsou said...

We can all use a little encouragement these days.

marthajane said...

I'd like to win, since my husband has been out of work since November. I'd love to have some inspirational stories for him.

Nancy said...

I've read a number of the various Chicken Soup books and I would enjoy reading this one also!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Nancy said...

I am an e-mail subscriber.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I love the Chicken Soup series. We've been having a tough year and sometimes I need to take a step back and find some inspiration to keep pushing through.

cstironkat said...

I would like this because of the inspriration these books give me. I lost my job and started college at 44 years of age. Sometimes the pressure can get to me. Thank you

TZel said...

The Chicken Soup books have always encouraged me, and with a child that has a serious illness and my own personal issues, well I can always use some encouragement! thanks!

Smooshy said...

the company my husband worked for for 10 years went out of business recently and he had to get another job, one that paid a lot less. it's been difficult but we're surviving and still happy! we read to each other at night, i'd love to have this on the night stand to share with him!

paryjeja said...

With almost everyone I know having a tough year, this book would be a great inspiration.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

flowerchild said...

i own one of these books and had it for years ,very great line of books..
this book i think it would make you realize how much you have and appriciate

Anonymous said...

I love these books! Great site, too!



Unknown said...

Because we live in tough times.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I am an RSS subscriber.

Unknown said...

Follow you.

Unknown said...

Faved in Technorati (aitmama).

Belinda M said...

I would like this one because I have read many of the others and loved them

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Belinda M said...

I follow

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Belinda M said...

I subscribe

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca


Molly K said...

My husband was already laid off once this year and it looks like he will be again very soon. It would be nice to read some encouraging stories.

Molly K said...

I subscribe.

Andria said...

The details are a little to private to post in a public forum. I was recently diagnosed with a medical condition. The treatment will cost about $15,000, but my insurance won't cover it.

Andria said...

I'm an email subscriber

Nickolay said...

I would really like to win this book for a friend who has recently lost their job and also received an additional piece of bad news. I think the stories could help lift their spirits.


Nickolay said...

I am a blog follower



Ascending Butterfly said...

I run an inspirational blog called Ascending Butterfly and we offer an inspirational message each and every day, sometimes even the person providing inspiration, needs inspiration! :)

cpullum said...

I need some encouragment in these tough time and I would love to read how other people are making it through.

Lee said...

I would love to have this book because I have lived with chicken soup for the soul books since I was 10 years old. They've helped me through a lot of tough times, and I know that this book would help me a LOT currently.


jmintuck said...

I like to read how others had gone through a tough time and "survived" through it.

devonm @ sasktel dot NET

jmintuck said...

I just tweeted the giveaway. @jmintuck

devonm @ sasktel dot NET

jmintuck said...

I followed you on TWITTER @jmintuck

devonm @ sasktel dot NET

jmintuck said...

I subscribed to your blog in email. devonm @ sasktel dot NET

jmintuck said...

Commented on Ni Hao, Kai-lan: Kai-lan’s Great Trip to China Review

devonm @ sasktel dot NET

Anonymous said...

Like most everyone else we know, we have fallen on tough times and we're looking for a little bit of laughter and inspiration. I would love to read this and pass it on to my friends in the same situation. Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

Aimee said...

I love the Chicken Soup series of books. They are so inspiring> would love to add this book to my collection. Thank you for the chance.

turboterp said...

I always find inspiration in the Chicken Soup books, and this one looks especially useful. I'd love to add it to my library! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I used to love reading this series when I was younger. I could really use some optimism right now, thank you for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I am following you on Blogger. :)

Mishia said...

I want this book to see how others cope with tough times.

Mishia said...

I follow on blogger.

Molly C. said...

I this boook, because I love the chicken soup books, but havne't read this one yet

erma said...

I want to read this cause times are tough now and I want some inspiration.

Daniel M said...

i want it because i'm in debt and need all the help i can get - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

prplrush said...

I would Love to read this book, because i think it would be very inspirational!

Gabriel S-J. said...

Great read, great contest!

Anonymous said...

i'd love to win the book b/c i need something to lift my spirits when i'm forcing a workout in the gym ;)

Anonymous said...

For my neighbor Yolanda!


Ingrid said...

I love Chicken Soup for the Soul books. If I were to win this one, I will give it to my daughter for inspiration as her husband lost his job and they have a son in college and a daughter who is a rising senior in high school.

Ingrid said...

I signed up to follow you on Google.

Screw Lucy said...

I love to read inspirational books!

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I would like this book because my husband is having problems with his work place and poor management issues. It is affecting his health and maybe this book would be of some help


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

follow blog as kngmckellar


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


2nd Entry


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

subscribe to email


Anonymous said...

I am a tough person going through tough times, I would like to read about others and how they do it. rjmf1@aol.com

aredfern@insightbb.com said...

I have always read the chicken soup books for inspiration and courage. I enjoy laying with my daughter and talking about the stories and this one would be no different. Thanks for the giveaway!

azrosebud said...

I want to win Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People because life has been pretty brutal lately - so many around me are doing drugs and it's really bringing me down. I need a ray of sunshine - perhaps this book could give me some positive ideas - thank you

Unknown said...

With the economy going the way it is right now. It would be a very good book to read. Would love to learn how to better handle hard times.

ladycat713 said...

Because I'm definitely having tough times and I could use some kind of advice on how to deal.


Anonymous said...

I want it because I learned I will be laid off Monday. My income was cut in half this year. I have been strggling financially. I need some inspiration. garrettsambo@aol.com

Diana D said...

would be interest in this book. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Because we can all use some inspiration around here. Thanks for the chance!

hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I'm following you on twitter, and I tweeted!


hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I'm following you on twitter, and I tweeted!
Entry #2


hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

We've had a rough last couple of years. I think reading this book will inspire me.

pinkpintobean at gmail dot com

susan1215 said...

Sounds like a good book

Anonymous said...

I love the chicken soup book series and I haven't seen this one yet.

Maja said...

my husband could use it

Maja said...


Maja said...


Marj M. said...

I would like the "Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People" book because I need help from someone who has been there in the things I am going through right now. And if the author has not been there..........he knows how to handle things better than I.

Marj M. said...

I subscribe to your e-mail blog.

John Deal said...

Friends and I both could use some words of advice and inspiration during these trying times. AztecFeller@aol.com

cman said...

It sounds like an interesting read :)

Sandy S said...

I have reading the Chicken soup books since they started the series, I find them to be very inspirational. Thanks!


bev said...

I haven't read this book, but the chicken soup books I have read, have all been really good. Times are pretty tough right now, so I could use some good advice. Thanks for having the contest!

Charlene Kuser said...

I would like to win Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People
because these books are so inspiring
and this one sounds like one I could really use right now


lilyk said...

I want "Chicken Soup for the Soul Tough Times, Tough People" because it sounds very interesting!

Charlene Kuser said...

I am a subscriber


lilyk said...

I subscribed to your blog.

Charlene Kuser said...

Following on blogger
